Ljubo Georgiev Architecture

May 6, 2012

Dragojna / Драгойна

By: Ljubo Georgiev

Dragojna is a project for the restructuring and change of use of an old school building in the village of Dragojnovo. The village is situated in southeastern Bulgaria, at the foot of the Rodopi Mountains. The currently present buildings in the schoolyard are the main two-storey school building (built in the beginning of the 20th century) and a secondary one-storey building to the east of it.

The first phase of the project consist of the transformation of the main building into a hotel. All the external stone and brick walls, as well as the internal ones on the ground floor will be maintained. A new reinforced concrete skeleton of columns and floor plates gets inserted in the shell that is left over. In the near future a new one-storey building will be added to the east of the main building to house the hotel restaurant and the spa facilities.

The designs of both the renovation, as well as the future extensions aim at creating a sustainable technical functioning of the buildings. Their relation to the local economy has also been taken into consideration by proposing to use as much local workforce for the renovation, as well as the use of as many local food products and services during the exploitation of the building.

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Драгойна е проект за реконструкцията и смяната на предназначението на старата училищна сграда в село Драгойново, намиращо се близо до Първомай, в подножието на Родопите. В момента съществуват две сгради в бившия училищен двор: основната училищна сграда (построена в началото на 20 век) и едноетажна помощна постройка на изток от нея.

Първата фаза на проекта се състои в трансформацията на основната сграда в хотел. Всички външни каменни и тухлени стени, както и стените на партерния етаж ще бъдат запазени. В тази каменна/тухлена черупка бива вграден нов стоманено-бетонен скелет. В близко бъдеще се предвижда изграждането на нова постройка на мястото на съществуващата помощна сграда. В новата сграда ще се помещават ресторанта и спа центъра на хотела.

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